In keeping with its mission as mandated by Congress, the Food Safety Consortium concentrates on food safety research related to the animal species with which its respective members are associated: poultry at the University of Arkansas, pork at Iowa State University and beef at Kansas State University. Research efforts among the investigators reflect the Consortium's purpose as defined by Congress: <ul><LI>to develop technology for rapid identification of infectious agents and toxins; <LI>to develop a statistical framework necessary to evaluate the potential health risks; <LI>to determine the most effective intervention points to control microbiological or chemical hazards; <LI> to develop risk-monitoring techniques to detect potential hazards in the distribution chain.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Red meat and poultry are not only significant parts of the American diet, but also important exports for the United States. While these products are generally safe, the public health goals established in the Healthy People 2010 emphasize a reduction in food-borne illnesses. The specific goal of the Food Safety Consortium is to improve the safety of red meat and poultry, while the goal of the Iowa State University component is to improve the safety of pork and pork products. The research covers every aspect of pork, from live animal production to the cooked meat on the consumer's plate. Research approaches include, but are not limited to, animal production,antibiotic resistance, microbial interventions, consumer preparation and economics. <P>APPROACH: The Consortium is dedicated to the development and utilization of advanced research techniques; to the coordination of research programs to share information and eliminate duplication of efforts among its research members, and to the production of research and research projects that, upon implementation, will assist in the enhancement of consumer, industry and government confidence and satisfaction in the safety of food products from animals. Fundamental research into food safety's microbiological issues has been an essential foundation for the work of Consortium investigators. This research is conducted in conjunction with specific problem-solving projects undertaken by investigators whose efforts are supported by the strength of the Consortium's partnerships with industry. Frequent consultation with partners in food safety at government regulatory agencies has been a long-standing procedure for the Consortium's administrators and personnel.