The project will focus on epidemiological studies of antimicrobial resistance in farm animals. The usage of antimicrobials will be measured and the relationship examined between levels of antimicrobial resistance and production and management factors, including drug use and strategies for veterinary treatments. Robust methods will be established to identify the frequency of carriage of bacterial resistance. These methods will be of known sensitivity and specificity. Antibacterial sensitivity testingmof isolates will be standardised and information on disease occurrence, antibiotic usage and management practices will be gathered directly from farm owners/ managers and commerical companies. Statistical analysis will identify those management and husbandry techniques that are associated with high levels of antimicrobial resistance and also those that are associated with changes in resistance levels during the course of a study.
Studies will be designed a to identify those practices by which antimicrobial useage can be reduced without compromising animal health, welfare or production output. Findings will be reported in scientific articles, and promoted by the project group with publication in trade press. Food animal producers,, through the group’s linkages to commercial companies, will be encouraged to implement the reccommendations. The group additionally has excellent contacts with Government and will seek to implement the findings through these contacts.
<P>The project is targeting E. coli as the major bacterial reservoir of resistance.