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Arkansas Manufactured Food Program Electronic Inspection Project


Arkansas Department of Health4815 West Markham Street, Slot 46 'Little Rock, Arkansas 72205-3867 ' Telephone (479) 661-2000 Governor Mike Beebe Paul K. Halverson, DrPH, FACHE, Director and State Health OfficerMANUFACTURED FOOD REGULATORY PROGRAM STANDARDS (MFRPS) PROJECT SUMMARYThis grant opportunity would allow the Manufactured Food Program to make great strides towardmeeting the FDA Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards. The funding would allow criticalsystems needed for a successful Manufactured Food Regulatory Program to be developed andimplemented quickly. If the grant is not approved the systems and resources requested would take ADHyears to obtain and develop.The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) currently does not have a state inspection program formanufactured food. ADH does contract with FDA annually to conduct 200 manufactured food firms.Based on the 509 firms currently on the ADH inventory, we are asking for 2 positions to conduct theadditional inspections anticipated by the implementation of the state program. To enable ADH toadequately track program activities the development of an inspection database, and a means ofconducting electronic inspections is being requested.The funding opportunity would be used as seed money to start a manufactured food inspection programfor the state of Arkansas. ADH Food Protection Section would implement systems to develop resourcesto partially meet MFRPS Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.Standard 1:Enforcement State Regulations equivalent to FDA MFRPS Appendix 1 (excluding dietarysupplements).Standard 2:Attendance to trainings to increase inspector knowledgeDevelopment of inspection data collection system to track inspections and violationsStandard 3:Development of Inspection system based on riskStandard 4:Development of a data system to track manufactured food establishments inventoryDevelopment of data system to track inspections, violations, and samplesStandard 5:Development of systems to document investigations of alleged food-related illnessesDevelopment of a system to contact manufacturers electronicallyStandard 8:ADH will be able to add 2 inspectors to conduct the state manufactured food inspections

Fruechting, Phillip
Arkansas Department of Health
Start date
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