<p>Objective 1: Develop demand and market valuation models for the produce sector that can be used to evaluate effects of increasingly complex product differentiation schemes (organic, enhanced health claims, biodynamic), trade, commodity marketing programs, labeling programs (local, food miles, Fair Trade), traceability systems, and food safety events in the U.S. produce markets. </p>
<p>Objective 2: Analyze the relative benefits and costs, to producers and consumers, of government and industry-led marketing and policy programs (certifications, Leafy Greens marketing order, Country of origin labeling, farmers markets) using both theoretical approaches and empirical evidence from multi-state applied research projects. </p>
<p>Objective 3: Assess the changing coordination and supply chain management strategies being implemented in the fruit and vegetable sector and identify strategic organizational and marketing implications for a set of firms that are diverse in terms of commodity, marketing approach and size of operation (including small and mid size farms).</p>
<p>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY:<br/>In recent years, greater concerns with respect to diet and nutrition have led to an increased number of marketing and promotional messages focused on the benefits of eating fresh fruit and vegetables. Both consumers and retailers have responded to the spotlight on fresh produce, resulting in increased purchases, marketing resources and even new legislation to promote Specialty Crop production in the US. Consumers and households are also fueling changes in the food system as they seek to purchase their produce through channels as diverse as direct marketing and traditional supermarkets, and with expectations as broad as picking their own produce to highly branded products with 3rd party certifications. Still, little is known about the response of increasingly demanding consumers and food supply chain partners, the changing coordination and supply
chain responses of fruit and vegetable enterprises or the response to regulations and policies developed to oversee and guide new innovations in this sector. Our intended outcomes and impacts are to inform policymakers on the market performance of fresh produce enterprises under new policies and marketing strategies, and guide industry stakeholders in their long-term planning on consumer behaviors and demand changes.
<p>APPROACH:<br/>We will extend past research and work cooperatively with other states on models, surveying and experimental approaches to improve the validity of market valuation estimates on a variety of produce claims (production origin, organic, nutrient claims, other production protocols). As the methods used evolve (as discussed below), the group will collaborate on marketing studies, identified by industry and NGO groups as high priority, to evaluate consumer behavior. Specifically, we will focus on the emerging local market designations and integrate them into consumer demand and valuation analyses using techniques that incorporate product characteristics and locale. To assess the effectiveness of marketing programs, we plan to examine the impacts of various governmental health, local food and marketing order initiatives, sharing expertise on research design, and
coordinating in at least one case where a similar marketing platform has been adopted by other states (MarketMaker). In addition, we will use estimates from past and on-going market studies to evaluate expected impacts of various policies that form, change and evolve in produce markets, including, but not limited to Country of origin labeling, food safety and nutritional claims.
<p>PROGRESS: 2010/11 TO 2015/09 <p>OUTPUTS:<br/>pi retired PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.
<p>PROGRESS: 2011/01/01 TO 2011/12/31 <p>OUTPUTS: <br/>The research results from this project were disseminated through journal and internet publications, presentations at academic and professional meetings. Further, methods were coordinated and results shared at annual multistate meetings. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.