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Bacterial Adhesion and Growth at Phase Interfaces


The objective is to study bacterial adhesion and growth at phase interfaces. Two laboratory systems will be used. The first system will study Listeria monocytogenes adherence and growth at liquid/solid interfaces using a microtiter plate adherence/biofilm assay. We will use this system to determine if new protein synthesis is needed for biofilm formation, study the production of exo-polysaccharide during biofilm growth, and to screen insertional mutants for identification of genetic determinants needed for adhesion and biofilm formation. The second system will study E. coli O157:H7 interactions and growth at liquid/liquid interfaces of emulsions. With the emulsion system, we will study the influence of emulsions upon rates of bacterial growth and construct gene fusions of a rpoS Promoter with egfp to monitor cells entering stationary phase.

McLandsborough, Lynne
University of Massachusetts
Start date
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