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Bacterial Functional Genomics: Dissemination of Cutting-Edge Technology (BACFUN)


We have established an EU-funded Bacterial Functional Genomics Marie Curie Training Site at three adjoining centres, the Institute of Food Research (IFR), the John Innes Centre (JIC), and the Syngenta Genome Centre to disseminate this ground-breaking technology in the context of human health.
The research environment includes classical microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry integrated with the new genomics-based technologies such as DNA microarrays, proteomics and bioinformatics. <P>
Our 30 year experience of Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter and Streptomyces microbiology, biochemistry and genetics have recently been complemented by whole genome sequence information, leading to the establishment of Europe's best post-genomic facilities at the Norwich Research Park. Fellows will use genomic technologies such as DNA microarrays to ask: <OL> <LI> Which genes do bacteria switch on to cause food poisoning or antibiotic production, or in response to environmental signals? <LI> How does global bacterial gene expression respond to environmental factors? <LI>Which bacterial virulence genes are induced by novel environmental factors relevant to disease? <LI>What changes in gene expression accompany antibiotic production?

Institute of Food Research, UK
Start date
End date
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