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BASELINE - Selection and Improving of Fit-for-Purpose Sampling Procedures for Specific Foods and Risks


Food Safety Objectives (FSO) and Performance Objectives (PO) are new criteria complementing the existing concepts of microbiological criteria and MRL for many chemical contaminants. However, to achieve these objectives it is critically important a harmonisation of food safety control procedures.

BASELINE project intends to obtain the following objectives:
<UL> <LI> To review the sampling schemes currently available for food authorities and food producers to perform food safety quantitative risk assessment in a European level
<LI>To assess the relevance and suitable limit values of POs and FSOs for biological and chemical risks
<LI> To evaluate the need for new or adapted methods for sampling and testing of the risk factors identified. The selected protocols and methods should be able to produce suitable data for risk analysis
<LI> To develop predictive mathematical models for biological risks and investigate and model sources and pathways of chemical contaminants to improve sampling schemes
<LI>To validate and harmonise the sampling schemes developed in the project and alternative detection methods
<LI>To share and disseminate the scientific knowledge deriving from the project to stakeholders
The BASELINE work plan has been divided in 9 work packages:
<UL> <LI>WP1- management
<LI> WP2-WP6 sampling protocols for specific food matrixes
<LI>WP7-risk modelling
<LI>WP8-validation and harmonisation of sampling protocols
<LI>WP9-dissemination and training
The major output of the project is to generate new knowledge on sampling schemes for risk assessment by using a mathematical approach for different groups of food products as seafood, eggs and egg products, fresh meats, milk and dairy products and plant products.
The project results will be translated in clear recommendations to the EC and end users and they will have a significant impact on protecting human and veterinary health.

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Funded under 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme)

Bandini, Verdiana
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, UNIBO
Start date
End date
Funding Source
Project number