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Building an Integrated Laboratory System to Advance the Safety of Human and Animal Food


Project Summary/AbstractThe purpose of this proposal from the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)is to support and enhance the capabilities of state human and animal food (HAF) testinglaboratories that engage in surveillance and response activities associated withfoodborne hazards including foodborne outbreak investigations.APHL will: Build a competent HAF Laboratory workforce by developing and delivering trainings workshops seminars and other educational materials and a bioinformatics fellowship Integrate the HAF Laboratory system by planning and hosting high quality conferences and meetings related to the LFFM disciplines the GenomeTrakr network and NARMS Manage support programs for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation by providing direct technical assistance to FERN laboratories and to non-FDA funded HAFlaboratories Support Laboratory Information Management System and ORA Data Exchangeimplementation Enhance and maximize HAF laboratory participation in the GenomeTrakr network and the Partnership for Food Protection IT Workgroup and Laboratory ScienceWorkgroup Promote information sharing between strategic partners improve quality assurance efforts and build mutual reliance in an integrated food safety system Utilize a diversity procurement strategy for goods and services related to thisagreementThrough these efforts we will meet individual laboratory and broad-based trainingneeds around ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory accreditation laboratory proceduresdata transfer (to NCBI and FDA data systems) document control quality managementsystems continuous improvement sample collection and risk assessment. We will planand host forums for LFFM food testing laboratories and GenomeTrakr laboratories. Wewill foster collaborations with the Partnership for Food Protection around scientific anddata sharing goals. Measurement of success will be against stated metrics refined inconsultation with the funding agency.As the non-profit association representing state and local laboratories that conduct HAFtesting for over 50 years APHL can efficiently advance the goals of this CooperativeAgreement. Leveraging our experience will better position FDA to work in partnershipwith state and local authorities to build an Integrated Food Safety System and achievenational public health goals.

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