<ol> <li>Develop four modules that use interactive computer simulations to: (1) instruct students on the scientific concepts underlying the four Fight BAC!TM recommendations of clean, separate, cook, and chill; and (2) teach students how to apply the procedures implicit in the Fight BAC!TM recommendations.
<li>Produce a teacher/youth leader instructional guide for each simulation module to show instructors how to implement the computer simulation modules in their classroom or group.
<li>Implement cycles of formative evaluation for simulation module development and summative evaluation as a measure of product effectiveness.
<li>Enhance and expand the Fight BAC!TM website with: (1) the simulation modules, (2) the teacher/leader instructional guides, and (3) links to other food safety information.
<li>Disseminate and market the Fight BAC!r website using newly developed materials (Children Fight BAC!TM) as a selling point.</ol>
Step 1: Review and catalog existing youth food safety educational materials developed by The Partnership for Food Safety Education, the Food and Drug Administration, universities, state Cooperative Extension programs, and various Internet sources. This step is already in progress.<p>
Step 2: Identify specific learning objectives for children for each of the four steps in the Fight BAC!TM food safety education campaign (clean, separate, cook, and chill).
Step 3: Identify quality components from existing food safety educational materials that will help meet the learning objectives in an age-appropriate manner for youth.
Step 4: Collaborate with Letterpress Software's instructional and graphic design team to develop four interactive computer simulation modules, each consisting of several learning activities. Addressing specific food safety learning objectives, the modules will emphasize student/youth activation, demonstration, application, and integration of food safety concepts. Each module will contain a virtual kitchen and food safety laboratory. Students will guide a computer character as it prepares food, moving it back and forth between the virtual kitchen and laboratory at various phases during the food preparation process. For instance, students can examine hands under the microscope before and after washing to see a reduction in the bacterial count and also hear an explanation why hand washing is important.
Step 5: Develop teacher/leader instructional guides for each module that provide instructional strategies and guidelines for integrating and implementing modules into the classroom and youth programs. The guides will provide helpful information on using cooperative learning techniques, peer tutoring, and classroom discussions. Modules will be developed for whole class instruction and student self-directed learning.
Step 6: Load the Children Fight BAC!TM simulation modules on the Fight BAC!TM website where they will be easily accessible and downloadable to a wide (national) audience.
Step 7: Work with the Partnership for Food Safety Education to provide links to other food safety education resources on the Fight BAC! website and provide a central ordering mechanism for these materials.
Step 8: Disseminate information about Children Fight BAC!TM to various education, youth, and food safety groups. Information about Children Fight BAC!TM will be circulated by means of presentations, information sessions, printed materials, email, and Internet links.
Research indicates children are regularly involved in food preparation for themselves and others. Children are most likely not handling food safely. There are limited food safety educational materials for children available. Materials that are available are based primarily on presentation, not instruction. This project will create Children Fight BAC!TM, a program that builds upon the Partnership for Food Safety Education's existing Fight BAC!TM program and will be a national instructional effort teaching the Fight BAC!TM food safety recommendations to children.
A thorough search for and review of existing youth food safety educationl materials (including those developed by the Partnership for Food Safety Education, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, universities, state Cooperative Extension programs, and various Internet sites) has been completed. The materials are currently being cataloged for reference throughout the project.
Children Fight BAC!TM is an educational tool designed to teach children both "why" and "how" they need to handle food safely at home to protect themselves and their families against foodborne illness.