<p>The proposed Center plans to establish a natural resource for Biophotonic Sensors and Sensor Systems (CBSS) where photonics provide the enabling technologies for advances in methods to detect/sense and identify biological properties, conditions, or changes at the molecular and cellular/sub-cellular level. The research efforts will be anchored by Boston University's Photonic Center as the lead institution, partnered with the University of California-Davis' Center for Biophotonic Science and Technology. Both BU and UC have mature photonics research Centers and a track record of achievement in managing translational research activities. The proposed CBBS will build on the respective University's research talent and technology transfer skills to attract industrial partners who will subsequently play a significant role in planning, selecting, and implementing the output of the research. The collaborative effort between BU and UCD will consist of three research areas: In vivo Platform Sensing, Label Free Sensing and Point of Care Diagnosis. The proposed Center's focused expertise in developing photonic methods for bacterial and viral detection will enhance the existing inter-disciplinary teamwork and enable an exceptionally strong foundation for Sensors and Sensor Systems development. The industry participation will enhance the students? educational experience by providing a pipeline for talented engineers and scientist to industry. BU and UCD are committed to developing the academic potential of under-represented groups in STEM fields. The success of the proposed Center will enable new photonics sensor technologies that can improve public healthcare, food and water safety, and homeland security.</p>
Collaborative Research: Center For Biophotonic Sensors And Systems
Matthews, Dennis L
University of California - Davis
Start date
End date
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