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Colorado State University Extension FY11 Psep


Colorado State University Extension agrees to use the Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEP) funds to ensure applicators understand how to properly, safely, and effectively use pesticides as well as how to properly store and dispose of pesticide within the State of Colorado. Project objectives will focus on recertification programs for existing licensed applicators and pre-certification classes for persons seeking applicator licensing. CSU Extension will assist both private and commercial applicators in meeting the continuing standards of recertification to apply restricted use pesticides. CSU Extension will assist commercial applicators in meeting the initial standards of certification to apply general use and restricted use pesticides. Training will address adverse risks associated with pesticide misuse and consequences of pesticide drift. Emphasis will be on personal safety, protection of the environment, prevention of pesticide drift, endangered species, water quality, and food safety.

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<p>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY:<br/> Colorado State University Extension will use the Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEP) funds to ensure applicators understand how to properly, safely, and effectively use pesticides as well as how to properly store and dispose of pesticide within the State of Colorado. CSU Extension will assist both private and commercial applicators in meeting the initial and continuing standards of certification to apply restricted use pesticides; and to address adverse risks associated with pesticide misuse and consequences of pesticide drift. Emphasis will be on personal safety, protection of the environment, prevention of pesticide drift, endangered species, water quality, and food safety. CSU Extension will reach these objectives through the development of a precertification educational program for persons interested in attaining a certified
commercial pesticide applicator license. Classroom instruction will include modules on federal/state laws regarding pesticide applications, applicator safety, environmental safety, public safety, the proper use of pesticides including sprayer calibration, and pesticides and their families. CSU Extension will also provide recertification educational programs and continue to inform pesticide applicators of other available programs for licensing recertification and new materials through the Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program website at is external). <p>
APPROACH: <br/>CSU Extension will reach these objectives through the following methods: CSU will develop a precertification educational program for persons interested in attaining a certified commercial pesticide applicator license. Classroom instruction will include modules on federal/state laws regarding pesticide applications, applicator safety, environmental safety, public safety, the proper use of pesticides including sprayer calibration, and pesticides and their families. To generate the greatest exposure to this opportunity, this training will be offered through a cooperative arrangement between CSU Extension and professional organizations. CSU Extension will also provide recertification educational programs that meet the recertification continuing education requirement of the Colorado Department of Agriculture Pesticides Program. Educational programs for the
2011-2012 include focusing on Environmental Safety (pollinator protection), Public Safety (How to speak to the public about pesticides), Pesticide families (Learning about pesticides used in organic production), Applicator safety (how to properly clean your spray equipment and PPE), and the Use of pesticides (properly setting up sprayer applications to prevent drift and the introduction of Colorado's participation in DRIFTWATCH is external)) CSU Extension will continue to inform pesticide applicators of other programs available for licensing recertification and new materials through the Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program website at is external) . The evaluation will include numbers of applicators trained and their intent to change behavior.</p><p>
PROGRESS: <br/>2011/09 TO 2012/08 <br/>OUTPUTS: 37 Commercial and Private Applicator trainings were held from September 2011 through May 2012. Colorado State University Extension specialists, agents, and Colorado Department of Agriculture personnel participated in these trainings. Colorado State University Extension specialists and agents also conducted 8 pesticide applicator pre-certification trainings during this period. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Colorado Commercial Pesticide Applicators licensed to purchase and apply General and Restricted Use pesticides and Private applicators licensed to purchase and apply Restricted Use pesticides. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.</p>

Walker, Cynthia
Colorado State University
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