The uncertainties in the method and assumptions used to assess the radiation doses to consumers resulting from authorised discharges of radioactivity are not usually communicated in reports of the dose assessment. If the uncertainties are mentioned the treatment is rarely transparent. This may make it difficult for the public to gauge the risks from the discharges.
This work has been commissioned to review methods currently in use to communicate the uncertainties in dose assessments and to propose methods that the Agency may use to more effectively communicate uncertainties.
This research was a follow on project to R01049, (Presentation of Probabilistic Dose Estimates: A Pilot Project). It aimed to summarise a literature review on current methods used by regulators within a global context to communicating uncertainty. Its secondary aim was to assess the current theoretical under-pinning of risk communication to identify a way forward so that the Agency may more effectively, communicate risk to consumers.
Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href="" target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.