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Consumer Insights Tracker (April 2024 to June 2024)


Key findings for April-June 2024From April-June 2024, the proportion of respondents that reported that they or another member of
their household received a free parcel of food from a food bank or other emergency food provider
remained at 3%. This has remained comparable since tracking began.The proportion reporting that at least one of the following statements applies to them or their
household has remained relatively stable over time, at around two in three.
There was a slight increase in April (70%) though in May and June 2024 this figure is broadly
comparable with earlier waves (May: 66% and June: 68%).From April-June 2024, the proportion reporting they or someone else in their household
cooked/prepared something from scratch, rather than buying it ready made to save money
remained broadly stable.Statistically significant differences compared to May shown with arrows.
Over half report having used cheaper cooking methods instead of an oven to heat or cook food in
the last month, which has remained broadly stable over the past three monthsFrom April-June 2024, the proportion reporting they are worried about there not being enough
food available for their household in the next month remained broadly stable.
In May and June 2024, this figure is around one in five (19%), representing a downwards trend
since tracking began. This has remained broadly comparable since January this year.Note: The new data points (from April to June) are shown in a different colour. Statistically
significant differences compared to May shown with arrows.
Looking at data from April-June 2024 combined, the following groups are significantly more likely
to be worried about there not being enough food available for their household in the next month:
Those from minority ethnic backgrounds
Those in the younger age groups
Most deprived groups (IMD 1-3)Food prices, ultra-processed, or over-processing of food and food poverty and inequality remain
the top consumer concerns across the period April-June 2024.Concern about the top 5 issues has remained stable across April-June 2024, with a slight
increase in concern about the healthiness of people’s diets from May to June.From April-June 2024, around three in five people report they are confident in the food supply
Respondents are more confident in food safety than food affordability across all months.From April-June 2024, around three in five of those with some knowledge of the FSA trust the
FSA to do its job.
Trust has fluctuated slightly month to month but remains comparable to when tracking began in
August 2023.Looking at data from April-June 2024 combined, those who are limited by a long-term health
condition or disability report slightly lower levels of confidence in the FSA when thinking about
protecting the public from food-related risks and communicating openly about them.
There has been a slow downward trend in the proportion worried about being able to afford
food across the survey series, declining from 28% in July 2023 to 22% in February 2024.
Figures have remained at a comparable level since then, with 22% reporting this in June
Half (49%) report that they or someone else in their household chose cheaper alternatives
rather than branded products to save money in June 2024, in line with April (51%) and May
Looking at the data from April-June 2024 combined, the following groups are more likely to
be worried about food availability: those from minority ethnic backgrounds (32% vs. 18% of
white respondents), under 35s (27% vs. 11% of those aged 55+) and the most deprived
IMD deciles (27% vs. 13% of those in the least deprived deciles).
The top three concerns in June 2024 are food prices (88%), ultra-processed, or overprocessing of food (77%), and food poverty and food inequality (76%). These figures were
at comparable levels in April and May, and have consistently been the top three consumer
concerns about food in the UK across all waves of the survey.
61% are confident in the food supply chain in June 2024, with comparable figures in April
(59%) and May (58%). Confidence has remained stable since it rose to 60% in November
2023, having averaged 55% in the period July-October 2023.
Around three in five had trust in the FSA to do its job from April-June 2024 (57% in June,
and 60% in May and April). Confidence during these months that the FSA protects the
public from food-related risks is around three-quarters (74% in June, and 77% in May and
Food affordability
From April-June 2024, the proportion saying they are worried about their household not being
able to afford food in the next month remained broadly stable.
In June 2024, this figure is around one in five (22%), remaining broadly stable since January this
year but representing a downwards trend since tracking began.

Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency