Project Abstract/SummaryThe project proposes to continue the work of the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) to educategrowers packers and other stakeholders involved in the U.S. fresh produce supply chain as theFood Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) continues to evolve. ThePSA develops effective and accurate educational resources to enhance understanding andimplementation of the FSMA PSR requirements and Good Agricultural Practices. The goal of thePSA since 2010 is to promote the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables by leveragingpartnerships and collaborations to make required training (21 CFR 112.22(c)) available tocovered farms and other stakeholders in the form of high-quality and engaging PSA GrowerTraining (GT) Courses. The PSA GT Course is available in three formats (online remote andin-person) and multiple languages. The PSA Train-the-Trainer Course Lead Trainer Applicationreview and Trainer-of-Trainers development process ensures that a sufficient cadre of qualifiedPSA Trainers are available to provide covered farm personnel and others with access to thePSA GT Course domestically and internationally. The PSA supports the current cadre of 3645current PSA Trainers Lead Trainers and Trainers-of-Trainers in their efforts to stay current withFSMA PSR changes and scientific understanding. The PSA works to provide growers andpackers with consistent information for implementing produce safety practices at theiroperations by making educational materials concise readable and accessible on the PSAwebsites in many formats (e.g. videos factsheets illustrations) to support different learningstyles. As the FSMA PSR and guidance documents are revised the existing PSA GT Curriculumalso will need to be revised to incorporate regulatory changes evolving policies and guidance.The expanded budget in Years 2 and 3 will allow for the development of an updated PSA GTCurriculum and supplemental educational materials in English and Spanish. The PSA willupdate past PSA GT Course participants the PSA Trainer cadre and other stakeholdersthrough a coordinated outreach effort that includes update trainings in multiple formats. Inaddition a proposed expansion of the PSA Team will reverse attrition and allow the PSA toincrease efforts to mentor training teams host continuing education efforts such as monthlyEducators Calls and support diversity and inclusion with enhanced outreach to traditionallyunderserved groups and others with limited access to the PSA GT Course and produce safetyeducational materials.
Continuation of the Produce Safety Alliance to Enhance Understanding and Compliance with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule
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