To develop effective controls for fumonisin mycotoxins and other endophytic fungi in grasses, in particular to utilize the potential competitive exclusion organisms as biocontrols, and to develop modified grass endophytes/improve forage grass. Determine abiotic environmental factors interactive with in plants accumulation pattern of fumonisins; evaluate/ develop biological interventions (bacterial endophyte & Trichoderma sp.).
Develop methods to prevent the occurrence of endophytic fungi in corn and grasses, in particular those fungi producing fumonisins the toxicity of which is increasingly recognized by the regulatory agencies. Specifically, to utilize competitive exclusion based endophytic fungi and bacteria as biocontrol agents. Bacteria and fungi transformed with reporter genes will be used in several ecological field and greenhouse studies designed to test the effectiveness in reducing toxin accumulation.Corn plants infected with the symptomless state of F. moniliforme will be co-infected with biocontrol bacteria or fungi, and grown under different culture conditions. Endophyte-infected tall fescue will be studied for increased persistence, and toxin reduction in field storage, using modified fungal (Neotyphodium) endophytes, as well as developing the means for reducing the toxicity of forage residue.