The goal of proposed research is to improve U.S. food safety through elaboration of the emerging, under-studied Gram-negative enteric pathogen Escherichia albertii and its prevalence in U.S. food production/processing systems. This pathogen has only recently been genetically differentiated from other species of Escherichia and members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Its prevalence in U.S. food production systems (i.e. beef and/or dairy, swine, poultry, produce) and thus its burden on food safety remains unknown. Furthermore, comprehensive characterization of its physiology is lacking from the scientific literature. We hypothesize, due to the lack of pathogen prevalence estimates stemming from lack of useful microbiological tools for detection and characterization, that E. albertii constitutes an as-yet unquantified U.S. food safety hazard. Long-term goals of proposed research are to: 1) characterize this emerging pathogen's physiological uniqueness compared to E. coli and other Enterobacteriaceae; 2) assess the potential prevalence of E. albertii within selected high-risk U.S. food production/processing systems, and; 3) generate data that may be utilized by risk analysts and food safety specialists to further quantify foodborne disease risk and burden to foodborne disease attributable to this pathogen.Key Objective 1: Microbiological and molecular analysis of E. albertii and formulation of novel media for specific detection and quantification of E. albertii from foods. Complete analysis of E. albertii physiological characteristics and metabolic capabilities using phenotypic microarray technology; determine nutrient utilization and turnover under varying environmental conditions. Utilize findings to develop and optimize protocol(s) and microbiological media for enrichment (liquid) and selective/differential isolation, enumeration, and presumptive identification (agar-gelatinized) of E. albertii from foods.Key Objective 2: Survey the presence of E. albertii in agricultural production operations. Process and analyze food samples at risk (poultry carcass/parts sets, fresh produce commodities) for the cross-contamination of E. albertii utilizing selective/differential media developed in objective 1; validate media specificity for E. albertii by diagnostic multiplex-PCR.
Developing Analytical Systems And Evaluation Of Prevalence Of The Emerging Human Pathogen Escherichia Albertii
Taylor, Thomas
Texas A&M University
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