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Developing Fhb Resistant Wheat Cultivars for Idaho and the Western US


<p>The overall goal of this project is to develop FHB resistant spring cultivars that have high grain yield and good end-use quality and resistance to other predominant diseases and insects.</p>

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<ol><li> Validate and characterize FHB resistance in greenhouse and field nurseries being established in spring wheat cultivars and elite lines pyramided Fhb1 with resistance genes to stripe rust, Hessian Fly, and end-use quality</li> <li> Complete QTL mapping of FHB resistance in a soft white spring wheat cultivar ‘UI Stone’ and assess the effect of FHB resistance QTL (3BS and 5AS) on yield and other agronomic traits</li> <li>Advance FHB-related populations pyramided FHB resistance with resistance to stripe rust, stem rust, cereal cyst nematodes, and end-use quality via MAS and field testing</li></ol>

Costa, Jose
University of Idaho
Start date
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