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Project SummaryThe Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Division of FoodSafety has been enrolled in the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS)and Rapid Response Team (RRT) programs since 2008. In that time the FDACS hasimplemented many systems for both the RRT and MFRPS programs. This project proposes tobuild on on those systems as the department continues to improve, maintain, and enhanceexisting systems and moves forward with the implementation of the Food Safety ModernizationAct, specifically 21 CFR 117, and 21 CFR 112 (as it pertains to sprouts) as adopted by staterule in 2017.Proposed work for this project includes updating inspection and training systems, electronicsystems, and industry outreach efforts to meet the needs of PC for Human foods and sproutsinspections, enhancements to learning management systems, and document control systems.Proposed work, including the Food Protection Task Force and Special Projects, also includesbuilding and improving upon on the established foundation, and relationships of the RRTprogram, improving the effectiveness and efficiencies of response coordination, communication,and collaboration during food and feed emergency response. This cooperative agreement willafford us the opportunity to maintain full conformance with the MFRPS and to share,collaborate, and mentor other state programs as we continue develop creative and innovativesolutions for both the RRT and MFRPS.The cooperative agreement will also afford us the opportunity to enhance the infrastructure ofthe state MFPRS and RRT programs, and in doing so, will assist with improvements of othermanufactured food and rapid response programs on a national scale. The end project goal is tostrengthen consistency, effectiveness, and efficiencies of developed and new systems used toenhance strengthening of the integrated food safety system, resulting in a safe food supply forthe public.Page 1 of 1

Colson, Matthew
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Start date
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