<p>Effective guidance is the main objective; however this must be based on sound, reliable scientific evidence. The guidance will focus on the controls to be applied at all stages of the procurement process and systems designed to ensure that suppliers have in place and maintain the necessary controls to prevent contamination with and/or growth of Listeria monocytogenes. It will draw on best practice learned from previous hospital outbreaks and will involve a series of site visits and an extensive survey and literature review to ensure the guidance is evidence-based. The following research will be undertaken using a scientific approach, prior to drafting the guidance:</p>
<li>An exhaustive literature review of the current body of knowledge on the nature and incidence of Listeria monocytogenes (Objective 01).</li>
<li>Information will be gathered from previous outbreaks to identify foods implicated, food safety weaknesses and lessons learned in the procurement and provision of food (Objective 02).</li>
<li>Establish current practices in place (Objective 03) via interviews with participating organisations and a survey to healthcare establishments. Good practices identified in relation to procuring and providing food in hospitals and similar healthcare settings can be shared via a draft guidance document.</li>
<p>The survey will be repeatable and therefore will enable the adoption of good practice to be measured over time, thus providing an evaluation tool for the project.</p>
<p><strong>Objective 01.</strong> To conduct a literature review in order to summarise the existing body of knowledge relating to the nature and extent of the problem of Listeria monocytogenes in vulnerable groups.<br />
<strong>Objective 02.</strong> To gather information from previous outbreaks to identify the foods most commonly implicated, and examine the investigation findings, with special reference to critical control points and control points where weaknesses occurred in the procurement and provision of food. To incorporate appropriate lessons learned into guidance referred to in Objective 04.<br />
<strong>Objective 03.</strong> In consultation with participating organisations and via a survey of a comprehensive cross section of healthcare organisations, to assess and summarise current food safety management/HACCP practices and procurement practices in healthcare settings in respect of Listeria monocytogenes, and share appropriate best practice via guidance referred to in Objective 04.<br />
<strong>Objective 04.</strong> To use our unique expertise, experience and insight in order to draft guidance to assist healthcare organisations (including NHS Trusts, private hospitals, care homes and assisted living developments) to reduce the risk of vulnerable groups being exposed to Listeria monocytogenes via food. To harness the expertise and understanding of our participating organisations to ensure the guidance is easy to understand, practical to implement and comprehensive.</p>
<p>Background: The incidence of Listeria monocytogenes is increasing in vulnerable groups, and this pathogen causes more deaths than any other foodborne disease in the UK. A number of outbreaks have been linked to hospitals. The aim of this project is to produce guidance to enable hospitals and similar healthcare settings identify and control the risk of listeria in the food they provide to vulnerable people.</p>
<p>Hospitals and healthcare establishments can be very complex operations, and the guidance produced by this project will detail appropriate controls, critical limits, targets, monitoring and corrective actions which should be implemented in healthcare settings. Inadequate controls within manufacturing premises can result in contamination of finished products and ingredients with listeria. Inadequate control of the distribution chain in respect of temperature control and/or stock rotation can result in conditions that support the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Hospitals and other healthcare establishments utilise a range of food suppliers, from manufacturers and distributors or even purchasing from the local supermarket. </p>