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Development of Methods for Analysis and Confirmation of Erythromycin A Residues in Tissue Samples from Terrestrial and Aquatic Farmed Animals by Liquid Chromatography


To develop determinative and confirmatory analytical chemical procedures using high performance liquid chromatography/electrochemical detection and high performance liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometric detection for erythromycin A in biological samples taken from agricultural animals. Specifically, the goal is to develop complete methods for the analysis of Erythromycin A in muscle and liver tissue from poultry, non-processed bovine milk, and muscle tissues from salmon, catfish and shrimp. Sensitivity levels for these methods are expected to be at least 100 parts per billion for liver tissue and50 parts per billion for muscle tissue and milk as requested by the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).

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FY 2000 Accomplishments: 1) This project has been reactivated and assigned a new principal investigator and collaborating chemists; the CVM has reiterated their interest in this method. 2) Initial work has been to organize and evaluate existing records for progress. 3) The initial cleanup procedures proved efficient, however, the extraction requires refinement to optimize the application for catfish.
<p>FY 2001 Plans: 14 C-Erythromycin has been obtained to facilitate effective cleanup procedures. It is anticipated that HPLC/ECD will provide optimum detection for the routine assay and that a published HPLC/MS method can be used for confirmation analysis.

Billedeau, Stanley
DHHS/FDA - National Center for Toxicological Research
Project number