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Development of Methods to Study the Implications of Vector Insertion/excision for Endogenous DNA Function in Transgenic Peas


The main objectives of this project are as follows:

<p>1. Sequence the T-DNA/plant DNA insertion junctions using a highly specific PCR procedure. These sequences will be placed on the linkage map of the pea genome. Simple PCR techniques for studying the fidelity of excision of a transposable element will be refined.

<p>2. Use the sequence information to screen against the most up-to-date databases using BLAST search tools. Confirm effects of T-DNA insertion on the disruption of the targeted gene.

<p>3. Develop the most efficient and cost-effective methodology to screen intermediary metabolites and protein profiles in simple plant extracts taken from the transgenic peas using a number of powerful techniques.

<p>The technology developed in this project could form the basis for an analytical service, which could be employed routinely to assess any new transgenic crop. The data may be useful for establishing the potential for any unanticipated events occurring when plants are genetically modified.

More information

This research project aims to develop technology to form the basis for an analytical service, which could be employed routinely to assess any new transgenic crop.

<p>This project is studying transgenic peas modified to contain T-DNA insertions and that have the facility to excise an inserted herbicide resistance gene.

<p>Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href=" is external); target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.

John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
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