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One major goal of this project is to investigate the potential of cultural weed control strategies implemented in an integrated weed management approach for the control of herbicide-resistant barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in flooded and furrow-irrigated rice cropping systems. Additionally, this project's goal is to evaluate how changes in agronomic practices (cultural weed control method) and application technologies may influence the effectiveness of chemical weed control strategies when used in combination as a part of an integrated weed management approach. Anothermajor goal is to utilize multiple, unique Extension avenues for distribution of results to increase the likelihood of adoption of best management practices developed from the research components.The specific aims and objectives to address these goals are as follows:Specific Aim #1: Drill spacing and rice variety effect on weed management in flooded rice (Research)Objectives:To evaluate the impact of rice variety (inbred vs. hybrid and medium-grain vs. long-grain) and manipulating drill spacing on weed control, growth, and fecundity, specifically herbicide-resistant barnyardgrass.To evaluate the impact of rice variety and manipulating drill spacing on key agronomic characteristics such as lodging and yield.Specific Aim #2: Nozzle type and drill spacing impact on spray coverage and efficacy of commonly used rice herbicides in flooded rice (Research)Objectives:To evaluate the influence of nozzle type and rice drill spacing on spray coverage to determine optimum herbicide application parameters across agronomic practices, specifically when the rice canopy becomes denser in a narrow spacing environment.To identify the influence of nozzle type and rice drill spacing on weed control, growth, and fecundity, specifically herbicide-resistant barnyardgrass.Specific Aim #3: Bed width and drill spacing effect on weed management in furrow-irrigated rice (Research)Objectives:To evaluate the impact of bed width (width between irrigation furrows) and rice drill spacing on weed control, growth, and fecundity, specifically herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth and barnyardgrass.To evaluate the impact of bed width and rice drill spacing on key agronomic characteristics such as lodging and yield.Specific Aim #4: Education and implementation of cultural weed management strategies and appropriate application technology usage in furrow-irrigated and flooded rice (Extension)Objective:To provide educational materials and resources regarding the implementation of cultural weed management strategies (rice drill spacing) and successfully utilizing application technologies for improved rice weed management in an IWM approach.

Butts, T.; Norsworthy, Ja, Ke.; Bond, Ja, A..; Hardke, Ja, .; Barber, To, .; Golden, Bo, .
Start date
End date
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