The overall objective of ENDURE is to:
<ol> <LI>Restructure European research and development effort on the use of plant protection products
<LI> Establish the new entity as a world leader of development and implementation of durable pest control strategies.</OL> This will include a focus on rationalising and reducing pesticide inputs as well as on mitigating inherent risks through a greater exploitation of alternative technologies, and/or basing control strategies on a more cohesive knowledge of the ecology, behaviour and genetics of pest organisms. <P>
The operational and structural objectives of ENDURE are:
<ol> <LI> To overcome fragmentation in crop protection research and development within Europe through the design and implementation of a joint programme of research on crop protection as well as through the creation of a virtual crop-pest control laboratory
<LI>To reinforce the R&D capacities needed in Europe to improve the basic understanding of the crop pest systems and develop durable pest control strategies
<LI> To progress towards a trans-national entity aimed at reducing pesticides inputs by encouraging durable integration of the leading European crop protection institutions, forming the nucleus of excellence around and from which institutions and researchers can integrate their activities
<LI> To create a European centre of reference for supporting public policy-makers, regulatory bodies, stakeholders and extension services
<LI>To increase mobility of researchers and co-operative use of facilities, equipment and tools
<LI> To ensure the spreading of excellence and support training to facilitate the adoption of safer and environmentally friendly crop protection approaches </OL> ENDURE brings together the leading crop protection institutions, the worldwide association of biocontrol industries (IBMA) and benefits from the support of the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) to built a world leading network for the development of durable pest control strategies.
For more information about this project, please visit the <a href="…; target="_blank">European Commission Food Quality and Safety in Europe</a> Web site.