<OL type="a"> <LI>Develop technology for rapid identification and enumeration of human pathogens in animal food products. <LI>Determine most effective intervention points in animal food product chain. <LI>Assess costs and benefits of intervention activities. <LI>Develop technology to reduce hazards and improve quality of animal products. <LI>Maintain an aggressive technology transfer program. </ol>Outputs will include publication of a quarterly newsletter reporting progress in the research in addition to other food safety activities. The newsletter will be published online and a print version will be distributed by mail to a list of several hundred recipients in industry, education, government and media. An annual report of the project's activities will be printed and distributed in a similar manner and posted online.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: The Consortium is dedicated to the development of advanced food safety techniques and to coordination of research efforts to share information and eliminate duplication of efforts. The Consortium aims to produce research that will assist in the enhancement of consumer, industry and government confidence and satisfaction in the safety of food products from animals.<P> APPROACH:<BR> a. Test, modify and improve microbiological testing systems in poultry production system.<BR>b. Monitor production management and processing system to identify critical control points. <BR> c. Evaluate physical and chemical systems to reduce microbiological population including quaternary ammonium compounds, ozone, electricity and irradiation. <BR>d. Strengthen the existing public awareness program with consumer panels and questionnaires.