<OL> <LI> Focus on emerging diseases- Identify, characterize and develop improved detection methods related to newly recognized, novel or emerging causes of zoonotic enteric disease and enteric pathogens of cattle and swine. <LI>Focus on effective interventions-Develop and improve interventions and preventative measures to reduce the incidence and prevalence of infections of cattle and swine with enteric and food borne disease agents. <LI>Focus on disseminating knowledge- Provide training and continuing education opportunities and dissemination of information to students, producers, veterinarians and diagnostic laboratories.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: <BR> Rationale for the project: <BR>This project addresses critically important cross-cutting research areas and objectives that will enhance food safety while maintaining efficient beef production by identifying and characterizing emerging and newly identified agents associated with enteric disease in cattle with particular attention to those with zoonotic potential; developing interventions and preventative measures to reduce animal carriage and human transmission of these enteric zoonotic agents, in order to prevent and treat enteric infections while reducing antibiotic usage and selective pressures for development of antibiotic resistance; and effectively disseminating information to possible users. <BR><BR>Expected Outcomes/impacts: <BR>1. Contribute data on risk assessment of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella species isolated from ND cattle and humans. <BR>2. Validate a possible control strategy (Feeding Direct fed microbials (DFM) to feedlot cattle) pre-harvest for the control of E. coli O157:H7 shedding. <BR>3. Provide an opportunity for international training and exposure of US students through the course "International Animal Production, Disease Surveillance and Public Health". <BR>4. Add an international perspective to our research and training thus providing opportunities for faculty and student collaborations.<BR><BR>APPROACH: We will validate a possible control strategy of pre-harvest feeding of direct-fed microbials (DFM) to feedlot cattle for the control of E. coli O157:H7 shedding. We will perform Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) assays on Salmonella isolated from feedlot cattle at different sampling times so as to compare and contrast genotypes of Salmonella recovered from cattle at different sampling times to determine persistence of different genotypes during finishing. We will offer the course International Animal Production, Disease Surveillance and Public Health every summer starting in 2008.