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Establish and Maintain Tennessee's Mfrps Program in Conformance With The 2016 Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards


The FDA Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) program are intended to ensurethat State manufactured food regulatory programs develop, and maintain best practices for a high-quality regulatory program. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) entered into the MFRPScooperative agreement program in 2012. Since then, significant and measureable improvements toTDA?s manufactured regulatory program have been achieved due to the funding provided through thiscooperative agreement. Improvements to training and curriculum development, proceduredevelopment, technology and data systems investments, inspection equipment, record keeping andrefinement of compliance and enforcement capabilities have occurred. Continued funding support isrequested for the ongoing implementation and conformance to the 2016 MFRPS standards. This fundingwill allow TDA to achieve, demonstrate and maintain full conformance to the MFRPS standards byproviding the resources and infrastructure necessary to sustain and enhance the State program?sregulatory activities aimed at reducing hazards in firms that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods.

Lively, Shanna
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Start date
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