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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Intervention Strategies for Salmonella in Broiler Production in Ontario: A Systematic Review and Risk Assessment Approach


<OL> <LI> Generate an evidence-based, ranked list of potential 'farm-to-processing' interventions against Salmonella in broilers, and their estimated impacts on Salmonella reduction.
<LI>Develop a quantitative risk assessment to refine and select optimal interventions, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions against Salmonella within the environment of the Ontario broiler production (farm-to-processing).
<LI>Identify current gaps in knowledge and future research needs. Provide recommendations to the Ontario poultry industry regarding the optimal combination of control measures to deliver the most effective and feasible control approach for Salmonella in broilers from farm-to-processing.

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Expected Benefits:
The study deliverables generated through this specific project proposal will allow the Ontario poultry industry and other policy makers to make an informed decision regarding potential control options and to better negotiate the food safety and trade aspects of the issue of Salmonella in poultry. Baseline and risk factor data generated through previous Salmonella projects in Ontario and Canada, including where available those funded by OMAFRA and/or the Poultry Industry Council, will be integrated into the assessment of mitigation strategies and potential farm to slaughter control approaches for Salmonella. This evidence-based approach for ranking scientific information and risk based approach for assessing control options will enhance consumer confidence in the poultry-related food safety policy development in Ontario and Canada. Major data gaps will be identified as well as research needs in this area. <P>
An evidence-based framework consisting of research synthesis and translation, strenght of evidence and risk-based tools will be adopted as a standard tool in support of microbial food safety policy making in Ontario and elsewhere. <P> For more information, please visit the <a href=" is external); target="_blank">Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Food Safety Research Program</a>.

McEwen, Scott
University of Guelph
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