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Evaluation of Guidance on Allergen Management and Consumer Information


<p>The project comprised of both qualitative and quantitative research.</p>

<p>For the qualitative stage, a total of 35 in-depth interviews were conducted with: food manufacturers, large retailers, training bodies. Enforcement Officers (EHOs/TSOs).</p>

<p>Most interviews were conducted before the quantitative stage to help inform the quantitative research design. However, 9 in-depth interviews were conducted after the quantitative stage (with respondents who had taken part in the quantitative stage and were identified as giving interesting responses worth further exploration). Some of these follow-up depths were reported as case studies. For the quantitative stage, a total of 382 semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with: free-from food manufacturers (aware of guidance).,27 food manufacturers who ordered a hard copy of the guidance from the FSA and Enforcement Officers.</p>

<p>In addition, those food manufacturers screened out of the main interview because they were unaware of the guidance (n=251) were asked a small number of questions to assess perceived usefulness of the guidance and information sources for allergens they currently use.</p>

More information

<p>Background: In 2008, the Agency conducted research to assess the uptake and effectiveness of the guidance produced in 2006 on allergen management and consumer information.</p>

The specific research objectives were to:
<ul><li>Ascertain levels of awareness amongst businesses and Enforcement Officers (and how they became aware)</li>
<li>Explore attitudes towards the guidance - does it meet the need for authoritative guidance?</li>
<li>Understand the impact of the guidance - is it being followed? Has it led to changes?</li>
<li>Identify any improvements to the content of the guidance (full guidance and leaflet). Understand whether the dissemination of the guidance could be improved.</li>
<li>Establish whether the voluntary ‘best practice’ nature of the guidance is perceived to be better/more effective or otherwise than compulsory legislation.</li></ul>

Jigsaw Research
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