<p>The aim of the work was to inform policy and provide good practice guidance for food authorities. The results provide the FSA with insights into the decision making processes which are vital to food safety regulatory work. They also help the FSA deliver its strategic aim - that food produced or sold in the UK is safe to eat as a result of effective, risk-based, proportionate regulation.</p>
<p>Of the 77 qualitative interviews which were conducted, 65 were with LA staff, and 12 with food business operators (FBOs). Interviews were carried out over 12 LAs, chosen to ensure a representative sample. In each study area, researchers then accompanied AOs on visits to food establishments to observe interactions between AO and FBO during planned inspections. </p>
<p>Background: There are 1.3 million cases of foodborne disease in the UK every year, resulting in around 500 deaths. The Agency works with Local Authorities (LAs) to enforce food laws through Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) and Trading Standards Officers (TSOs).</p>
<p>The Food Standards Agency (FSA) publishes a Code of Practice setting out instructions and criteria that LAs should comply with when enforcing food law. In June 2008, the Agency launched a revised Code of Practice to introduce additional flexibilities for types of interventions in lower risk category businesses. This provides authorised officers (AOs) with more types of interventions and enforcement actions to facilitate more flexible approaches to regulatory work. </p>