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Evaluation of the Scientific Basis of EC Directives 82/711 and 85/572 - Migration into Simulants Versus Foods


This study has evaluated the scientific basis for the conventional selection of
simulants and reduction factors used in migration testing plastics intended for
food contact. Testing plastics for chemical migration uses simulants as model
foodstuffs. <P>
The four simulants specified in EC Directive 85/572/EEC are
distilled water, 3% aqueous acetic acid, 10% aqueous ethanol and olive oil (or
approved alternatives). It is generally accepted that olive oil and the alternative
simulants overestimate migration into some fatty foodstuffs and so reduction
factors are given in the Directive. These reduction factors were derived from a
conventional classification of fatty foods and the factors are in the range of 2 to
5. The migration value determined using olive oil (or other fat simulants) is
divided by the reduction factor to give the test result for the plastic. <P>
The rules
are based, therefore, on the assumption that simulants mimic foods with
respect to migration and that reduction factors represent, to a reasonable
approximation, the difference between migration into the simulant olive oil (or
approved alternatives) and into foods.

More information

Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href=" is external); target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.

Castle, Laurence
Central Science Laboratory
Start date
End date
Project number