<OL> <LI> To determine access to and understanding of current nationally and locally available food safety educational materials among low socio-economic status African Americans in Chicago<LI> To determine gaps in meat handling and preparation safety knowledge, attitudes towards this information, and access to and use of meat thermometers among these consumers <LI> To create an educational and attractive intervention that targets knowledge gaps identified among these consumers, is easily distributed to these communities, is language, educational level appropriate, and culturally sensitive, uses a photonovella featuring photographic illustrations of African Americans cooking in their own homes as a novel and culturally sensitive way to present the educational information, and takes advantage of any insights gained from focus groups where African American consumers explained potential problems they recognize with existing nationally and locally available educational food safety materials in order to create a more culturally and educationally appropriate educational intervention <LI> To assess the impact of the educational intervention on knowledge and reported behaviors.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: African Americans of low socio-economic status may be at increased risk of food poisoning due to food safety knowledge and behavioral gaps. Because few data are available on food safety knowledge and behavioral gaps in this population, both data and interventions to overcome these gaps are needed. This project is an important step in addressing health disparities. Objectives: 1) conduct focus groups to determine access to and understanding of current nationally available food safety educational materials among low socio-economic status (SES) African Americans in Chicago; 2) identify knowledge gaps in meat handling and preparation safety, attitudes towards this information, and access to and use of meat thermometers among these consumers; 3) use findings to develop a culturally appropriate educational photonovella that targets these knowledge gaps and is easily accessible at clinics. We will work in collaboration with nutrition specialists and peer-educators of a USDA funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Edu to recruit African American clients at Chicago Department of Public Health clinics located in low SES neighborhoods. Pre- and post educational intervention surveys will be conducted to document the impact of the educational intervention on knowledge and reported behavior. In addition, this project will help with disseminating food thermometers in low SES neighborhoods.
APPROACH: We will conduct focus groups to identify access and understanding of existing food safety materials and knowledge gaps among low socio-economic status African American clinic client. The baseline knowledge and practice survey data will be analyzed to determine gaps in food safety knowledge, access and understanding of current food safety educational materials and barriers to safe practices among low SES African Americans, and documenting needs for effective food safety communication for the community. An educational intervention (photonovella) will be developed and disseminated. It will emphasize the most substantial and clinically significant gaps in meat safety and preparation knowledge among African Americans of low socio-economic status. The educational materials will be pilot tested with up to 8 clinic clients and then be distributed at clinics. We will attempt to recruit one adult member per family in order to reach as many families as possible and will exclude persons who participated in the pilot test of the educational material. After consenting to participate in the study, an in-person oral paper-based meat safety survey will be scheduled with the participant in a confidential area. The goal is to interview 200 persons pre-intervention. At the end of the survey after a brief explanation of the meat safety knowledge gaps identified in African Americans a photonovella addressing these key knowledge gaps will be provided for them to take home, a demonstration of how to use a meat thermometer will occur and each participant will be given one to take home, and the participants will be encouraged to read the photonovella. A follow-up phone survey with enrolled participants 6 to 8 weeks after the in-person interview will occur. The questions will include all the meat safety knowledge and practice questions. The effectiveness of the intervention will then be analyzed to determine whether the intervention significantly improved meat safety-related knowledge by at least 20% overall compared to the pre-intervention survey using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. We will also explore the data to examine factors associated with lack of food safety knowledge for each of the questions. Then, all city department health clinics (including non-participating sites) will receive a copy of the photonovella and a link to the CPHP website or other websites used by African American communities. The photonovella will be posted on a UIC web page and be able to be printed freely. The goal is to incorporate this photonovella into CPHP's current food safety education program conducted at clinics, including non-city department clinics. We will also work with other relevant community organizations that maybe receptive to acquiring or disseminating this photonovella in future, and also seek potential funding to print more copies.