The overarching goal of the project Experiential Learning Opportunities for Limited Resource Growers through Mobile Farm Innovation Centers in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia is to meet the critical challenge to farm viability faced by socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and minority growers in the region who are trying to balance food safety and conservation concerns.ObjectivesObjective 1. Design and construct three Mobile Farm Innovation Centers to meet the experiential learning needs of limited resource growers with small acreage.Objective 2. Develop and implement a multimodal and modular training program that balances the food safety and conservation concerns of socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and minority growers.Objective 3. Conduct two programs using the Innovation Center in each state (Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia) in year two of the project, and four programs in each state in year three of the project.Objective 4. Evaluate the program using formative assessment, process evaluation, pre/post-survey, and post event impact assessment.
Experiential Learning Opportunities for Limited Resource Growers through Mobile Farm Innovation Centers in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia
Woods, Kristin
Auburn University
Start date
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