The 2020-2021 FARAD project year will continue to be focused on the essential call centertasks including answering extra-label withdrawal requests, updating and expanding theresources available to call responders, maintaining the call center database and index resourcepage, extracting and cataloging pharmacokinetic data from published literature and updatingand developing educational tools for veterinarians and the public posted on the FARAD website. Specific to this year, we will be writing a digest on drug use with bee colonies, finish SQLconversion of the BibKin Finder interface, continue work to convert all of the antique data(before SQL conversion) over to the new database, and start the process of developing artificialintelligence techniques to extract pharmacokinetic data from the literature and to predictwithdrawal interval recommendations. In addition, we will continue to investigate options foran interface for inputting extracted pharmacokinetic parameters from studies wherephysiologically based or population- based models have been fit to data. Other tasks willinclude the UC Davis Pharmacy Fellow to get experience at UC Davis with pharmaceuticalrelated issues for food animals.In addition to the call center activities (answering extra label use questions), we will continue to expand our efforts on educating small animal veterinarians regarding extra label drug use in backyard poultry, continue to assist veterinarians nationwide to understand the new veterinary feed directive rules, and provide California veterinarians with resources to conform with the new Senate Bill 27. Educationalfocused activities will be to develop curricula for pharmacists so that they are more aware ofpractices in veterinary medicine. Given the veterinary feed directive legislation and theCalifornia Senate Bill 27, the need for veterinary pharmacists is imperative for drug distributionand oversight in the future.
FARAD, aka Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
Tell, Lisa
University of California - Davis
Start date
End date
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