FDA DRUG RESIDUE PREVENTION PROGRAMRFA-FD-18-006 PROJECT SUMMARY OHIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREThis grant proposal from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is in response toFunding Opportunity Announcement RFA-FD-18-006 offered by the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA).The purpose of this proposal from ODA is to develop Ohio?s drug residue preventionprogram with a proactive approach, through continued education and outreach activitiesto practitioners, producers, firms, and other industry parties involved with treating and /or managing medicated food producing animals, activities related to legal extra labeldrug use in animals, and other measures related to drug residue prevention in Ohio.This will be achieved through the following objectives:1. Industry-wide education and outreach, which will consist of ODA?s Veterinarian Administrators attending and presenting at various industry-wide meetings throughout the state; development of information to be available on ODA?s website; and the creation of brochures and factsheets for distribution.2. On-site assessments with firms who have had violative drug residues within the past year. Assessments will include evaluation the firms? drug usage and animal medication practices to identify ineffective or improper practices, and to communicate best residue prevention practices with intent to prevent future violations to ensure food safety.3. On-site best practice visits with firms who have had violative drug residues within the past three years. The focus of the visits will be consistent with assessments, however, will have a heavier focus on best practices moving forward.The goal of the drug residue prevention program is to see more effective managementof animal treatment, by increasing the awareness and knowledge of proper drug useand extra label drug use regulations. We would expect to see a continued reduction inillegal drug residues in food-producing animals, with an ultimate goal of zero tissueresidue violations in Ohio.
Frew, Thomas
Colorado State Department of Agriculture
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