Co-Principal Investigators: Eric Petty and Hugh Maguire, PhDProject Summary / AbstractCCAP: Enhanced Food Safety and Food Defense Capacity and Capability Utilizing existing chemistry equipment platforms, methods and personnel the ColoradoDepartment of Public Health and Environment Laboratory will expand food defense and food safetycapacity and expertise to advance an integrated food safety system. As a compliment to FERN NationalProgram Office (NPO) required emergency surge capacity or other assignments, routine foodsurveillance will be conducted. Weekly sampling of a variety of food matrices will rotate to cover meats,fruits and vegetables, baby foods, beverages and ready to eat foods. Meats and avocados currentlycollected for microbiological analyses as part of the CDC/FDA NARMS program and the FDA High VolumeSurveillance Activation Project will also be incorporated into the routine analyses of approximately 40samples per month. New and unique food matrices encountered may serve as matrix extensionprojects. Through continual weekly usage of all the various platforms and methods organizationalemergency preparedness and analyst competence will be optimized. Increasing staff expertise in LC-MS/MS, expanding the number of staff trained in sample extraction and the duplication of instrumentalexpertise are areas of focus. Funds provided to our newly created laboratory Quality Assurance Unit willaid in our efforts toward ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. Direct and frequent communication with theFERN (NPO) will be maintained through participation in conference calls, attendance at National FERNmeetings, electronic reporting of status updates and data transmission. A commitment to overall FERNProgram improvement will be demonstrated through active involvement in assigned projects,proficiency tests, method validations and intra-laboratory planned research activities.MCAP: Enhanced Food Safety and Security Testing Program As a direct result of the funding provided throughout multiple award years to the MCAP at theColorado laboratory solid foundations were established for enhanced microbiological and chemicaltesting. Key personnel will continue participation in the program assignment of analyzing avocadosamples for the presence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Staff will continue to accept thisproduct from domestic sources in support of the program. An early assessment of this programdemonstrates a high level of success. Current plans include the continuation of this assignment and willadd equivalent testing of imported product as assigned. Two new projects will be undertaken during thefirst year of the continuation award to enhance existing capabilities. A multicenter validation study thatwill be completed under current funding will be implemented to support current assignments andprovide rapid and sensitive detection capabilities. Establishment of new detection methods will becombined with existing standard methods and applied to additional targets as defined by programdirectives. Examples currently under consideration for these matrix extensions are cucumbers and hotpeppers. Use of these designated protocols will provide consistency of analytical findings asdemonstrated through the positive outcomes of both proficiency tests and live assignments supportedby the program to date. Colorado laboratory staff will engage in all activities proposed or assigned bythe national program office in support of enhanced food safety. Ongoing support through thiscontinuation award will provide greater return on investment as the Colorado laboratory operates as anextension of the national program for food safety.
Fda Fern Microbiology and Chemistry Cooperative Agreement Programs: Enhanced Food Safety
Maguire, Hugh
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Start date
End date
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