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MFRPS Project Summary / AbstractBy sustaining conformance with the current version of the MFRPS and participating in anationally Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS), Georgia will continue improving the criticalregulatory program elements and resource allocation efforts designed to protect the public fromfoodborne illness and injury.If this cooperative agreement proposal is funded, Georgia will continue moving forward toadvance efforts for a nationally IFSS by completing the following: 1) achieve and sustainconformance with the most current version of the MFRPS; 2) attend the annual face-to-facemeeting, actively participate in committees and other initiatives supporting the MFRPS; 3)develop strategies and resources for achieving and maintaining conformance with the MFRPSthat can be shared on a national basis; 4) provide FDA the foundation for pursuing regulatoryaction based upon GDA findings; 5) provide for the collection of samples to support laboratorycapacity development and produce surveillance; and 6) perform enforcement or other follow-upactivities based on sample results.Specific aims include: 1) demonstrating the availability of adequately trained staff and thecriteria and ability to hire and/or train personnel; 2) maintaining conformance with the MFRPSthroughout the duration of the cooperative agreement; 3) demonstrating the ability to satisfy thereporting requirements of the cooperative agreement; 4) participating in initiatives supporting theMFRPS (e.g., face-to-face meeting, committees, MFRPS conference calls, sharing of bestpractices, annual on-site visits, program assessment validation audits [PAVA]), and full programaudits; 5) providing for the collection of samples of FDA regulated products to support laboratorycapacity development and product surveillance; 6) demonstrating the ability to performenforcement and follow-up activities for sample results requiring action; and 7) describing anyidentified or potential obstacles in achieving and maintaining conformance with the MFRPS andapproaches to overcome these obstacles.Georgia adheres to the following principles that serve as the overarching objective for ourregulatory program: 1) to build capacity in a food safety regulatory program focused onprotecting public health; 2) to assure the consumer?s health is protected; 3) to provide food toconsumers that is safe and unadulterated; and 4) to ensure manufactured food is prepared in aclean environment and honestly presented to the consumer.

Adan, Natalie
Colorado State Department of Agriculture
Start date
End date
Project number
Accession number