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FLEXPAKRENEW - Design and Development of an Innovative Ecoefficient Low-Substrate Flexible Paper Packaging from Renewable Resources to Replace Petroleum Based Barrier Films


The objective of this project is to design and to develop an innovative ecoefficient low-substrate flexible paper for packaging from renewable resources to reduce the packaging industry s reliance on barrier films derived from petroleum. The challenge of this project is to develop a flexible packaging paper, with barrier properties (grease, water, oxygen and water vapour barrier) competitive with those of untreated plastic films (medium barrier) or to treated plastic films (high barrier). This paper will be developed using renewable materials, beyond state-of-the-art barrier coatings and innovative surface treatment processes.

The main scientific advances concern: <OL> <LI> The development of a substrate with significantly enhanced barrier properties via knowledge-led improvement and innovation such as the use of selected materials in the bulk and the deposition of a thin film of renewable materials during the paper forming. <LI> Development of water borne coatings made from renewable materials (starches, functionalised starches, starch derivatives or modified hemicelluloses) and reinforced by (low eco-footprint) minerals or renewable nanoparticles to optimise the desired properties. <LI> Development of high barrier paper arising from innovative surface treatments: Solvent free chemical grafting and vacuum coating.
These two techniques, although based on very different principles, enable the deposition of nanolayers (a few molecular layers) that drastically improve the barrier properties. <LI> Development of a new type of antibacterial coatings to prolong food quality.</ol> Particular attention will be paid to sustainability assessment and life cycle analysis throughout the project. A substantial reduction in the amount of packaging going to landfill is envisaged, together with speedier environmental degradation of the packaging materials. <P>
This project will make a significant contribution to reduce the reliance on petroleum resources during packaging production.

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Funded under 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme)

Guerin, David
Centre Technique de l'Industrie des Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses
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