The elemental goal of FARAD is the production of safe foods of animal origin through the prevention and mitigation of violative chemical and drug residues in food animal products. <P>The objectives of FARAD are to identify, extract, assemble, evaluate and distribute reviewed information about residue avoidance and mitigation to people involved in residue avoidance programs throughout the United States.
Non-Technical Summary: Regulations require that extralabel use of drugs in food animals be based on sound principles of residue avoidance. The purpose of FARAD is to provide an expertmediated residue avoidance decision support system which is able to provide timely advice and information on a wide range of drug and chemical entities in food animals to veterinarians, regulatory agencies, extension specialists, livestock producers and scientists. This will ultimately result in a food supply that is free of harmful drug and chemical residues. <P> Approach: Utilizing extracted pharmacokinetic parameters from published pharmacokinetic data, data from research trials, and newly developed mathematical algorithms, FARAD scientists will provide veterinarians, livestock producers, extension specialists and scientists with information to prevent drug, pesticide, and environmental contaminant residues in food animal products.