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Food Protection Program Maintenance and Integration of Rapid Response and Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards


Project Summary/AbstractThrough the Flexible Funding Model ? Infrastructure Development and Maintenance forState Manufactured Food Regulatory Programs, the Massachusetts Department ofPublic Health, Bureau of Environmental Health, Food Protection Program (BEH/FPP)will maintain conformance with the most current version of the Manufactured FoodRegulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) as well as support coordinatedfederal/state/local Human and Animal Food (HAF) emergency response efforts.Continued conformance with the MFRPS will ensure that Massachusetts? manufacturedfood regulatory program maintains best practices for a high-quality regulatory programto reduce foodborne illness hazards in plants that manufacture, process, pack, or holdfoods. BEH/FPP will continue to regulate and inspect its 2,069 food manufacturersstatewide, including licensed and non-licensed facilities and firms under shellfish anddairy cooperative program inspections. The RRT will rapidly and effectively addressfood emergencies, such as foodborne illness outbreaks, using a system of incidentmanagement, laboratory testing, epidemiologic investigations, traceback and recalloperations, public and internal communications, data sharing, and trainings. TheMassachusetts RRT program will continue to be an active member of the WorkingGroup on Foodborne Illness Control to support an integrated response capacity.BEH/FPP will continue to support the national infrastructure with continuing participationin the mentorship program. BEH/FPP will collaborate closely with federal, state, andlocal public health partners, industry, and other stakeholders as well as with agenciesand organizations in food/feed manufacturing, distribution, and protection to support itstechnical and operational foundation for RRT maintenance. Measures to meet goalsand objectives will be carried out within the framework of the US FDA cooperativeagreement. BEH/FPP is committed, through its participation in this cooperativeagreement, to maintain and strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of food safetyand protection in Massachusetts and beyond.

Moore, Michael B.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
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