The overall goal of this project is to strengthen a collaborative proposal on food safety education for hard-to-reach and underserved communities in selected counties in Alabama and Tennessee. This project develops additional material and data, and conducts a pilot survey designed to isolate and assess food safety education needs of the hard-to-reach fruit and vegetable producers and consumers in the aforementioned states.
Participating institutions will enhance and strengthen their collaboration and partnership with stakeholders, community-based organizations, education institutions (including high schools) in the region, and with the general public.
The objectives outlined will be accomplished by developing strong local support base for research and outreach training activities through enhanced stakeholder input and networking of institutions and organizations, including community-based organizations, consumers, producers, high schools, and other entities directly impacted by food safety issues. Focus group meetings, listening sessions, workshops, field visits, etc. will be used to illicit information from stakeholders. These activities will generally involve informal interviews and discussions that would provide insight on various issues. Records of such meetings will be maintained by each institution or organization for use in documenting activities undertaken in the revised proposal to be re-submitted, as well as to provide input in the survey instrument to be developed in the future if the re-submitted proposal receives funding.
This project will develop material and additional literature to strengthen the outreach or education component of a food safety education project. The project will also conduct a needs assessment pilot survey of fruit and vegetable growers in selected underserved communities in Alabama and Tennessee.
The project is expected to provide effective food safety education to underserved communities in Alabama and Tennessee. The project will also provide information about food safety education needs of same underserved communities.