<OL> <LI> Produce multiple independent transgenic cell lines and plants of peanut by microprojectile bombardment of embryogenic tissues cultured in vitro. <LI> Test for tissue specific expression of genes driven by tissue specific gene promoters in transformed peanut. <LI> Test peanut tissues transformed with fungal resistance genes for resistance to Aspergillus flavus/parasiticus.
Embryogenic plant cell lines will be bombarded with DNA (containing genes for kanamycin or hygromycin resistance as selective markers) and stably transformed peanut tissues selected for antibiotic resistance. The tissue/organ specific expression of a beta-glucuronidase reporter gene driven by a soybean vegetative storage protein gene promoter will be tested in transgenic Arachis hypogaea progeny of the T1 and T2 generations. Other promoter/reporter or promoter/antifungal gene combinations will be similarly tested. As fungal resistance genes become available from cooperators, these genes will be tested for their effectiveness in inhibiting growth of Aspergillus flavus/parasiticus in peanut tissues transformed with these genes.