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Genome Sequence of the Model Biotroph Peronospora Parasitica


This project forms one part of an international initiative to develop a genome sequence for Pe. parasitica. The other participant in the initiative is a consortium from the United Kingdom (Jim Beynon at Horticulture Research International and Jane Rogers at the Sanger Centre). The US component of the project is funded by grants from the USDA (this grant) and the NSF. The UK component of the project is funded by the BBSRC. The goals of the US project are: <OL> <LI> Carry out random shotgun sequencing to eight-fold depth, including assembly and machine annotation of the sequence;<LI> Import the sequence into the Oomycete Community Annotation Database at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute to enable manual annotation by the community;<LI> Hold an annotation jamboree to familiarize and train community members in the use of annotation tools.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Many plant pathogens can only gain their nutrition from living plant tissue, and cannot be grown in the laboratory. Many destructive plant pathogens are obligate biotrophs, including the downy mildews, powdery mildews and rusts. The maize downy mildews Peronosclerospora philippinensis and Sclerophthora rayssiae and the soybean rust Phakopsora pachyrhizi are considered major crop biosecurity threats to the US. Because they cannot be grown in the laboratory, progress in understanding the genetics of obligate biotrophs has been slow. This project is a collaboration with the UK to develop a genome sequence of one of the best studied obligate biotrophs, Peronospora parasitica, which causes downy mildew of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Pe. parasitica is a close relative of the soybean root rot and sudden oak death Phytophthora pathogens whose genome sequences have recently been completed. A. thaliana is the leading plant model system, so that there have already been extensive studies of its interaction with Pe. parasitica. The genome sequence of Pe. parasitica will enable significant advances in the understanding of how biotrophic pathogens attack plants, and so the design of better methods for protecting crops and natural ecosystem from these pathogens. The goals of this project are: (i) create a draft genome sequence of Pe. parasitica; (ii) enter the sequence into the Oomycete Community Annotation Database (OCAD) to enable analysis by researchers worldwide; (iii) hold an workshop to train researchers in the use of the OCAD sequence analysis tools.


APPROACH: (i) Shotgun sequencing. High molecular weight DNA will be prepared from strain Emoy2 and supplied to the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center (WUGSC). Libraries of 1.5-3.0 kb and 3.0-5.0 kb fragments will be produced by random shearing, and the clones sequenced using the procedures standard at the WUGSC. 850,000 clones will be sequenced at both ends to generate 8.0-fold final sequence coverage. These figures are based a genome size of ~88Mb. If the genome proves to be smaller or larger than originally predicted, the numbers of reads will have to be adjusted up or down, accordingly. (ii) Annotation database. The Oomycete Community Annotation Database (OCAD) will provide an infrastructure which will enable members of the Peronospora community, supported by their own funds, to carry out finishing and/or manual annotation of regions of the genome that are of interest to them. OCAD is based on the Genome Unified Schema (GUS) developed for the Plasmodium Genome Project by the University of Pennsylvania ( OCAD is being built at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute for the community annotation of the genome sequences of Phytophthora sojae and Phytophthora ramorum. OCAD is expected to be ready for use by August 2004. Coordination of this effort will be managed by a master curator funded by the UK BBSRC grant. (iii) Annotation Jamboree. An open invitation will be issued to members of the oomycete and Arabidopsis research communities to participate in a one week intensive examination of the sequence and its annotation, called an annotation jamboree. The objectives of the jamboree will be: (a) Establish an estimate of the reliability of the machine assembly and annotation, by careful examination of well-characterized sites in the genome. The 4-6 Mb of comparative manual annotation between Pe. parasitica and P. sojae funded by a recent award to Jim Beynon will be of particular value in this regard. In addition to other previously characterized regions of the genome, well annotated regions well-conserved between the P. sojae and P.ramorum genomes will be very useful for validating the Peronospora annotation. (b) Draw on the expert knowledge of the annotators to deepen and refine the annotation of Pe. parasitica genes involved in selected aspects of the biology of the organism. (c) Develop a plan for writing a paper on the sequencing and annotation of the sequence. (d) Develop detailed plans for the ongoing finishing and curation of the sequence, including funding strategies. How to coordinate this with ongoing efforts to finish and manually annotate the P. sojae and P. ramorum sequences and the P. infestans sequence if available. (e) Train annotators in the use of the tools of the Oomycete Community Annotation Database as preparation for the ongoing community annotation and finishing of the sequence. The annotation jamboree will be hosted by the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, probably in October 2005.
PROGRESS: 2004/09 TO 2008/08 <BR>
OUTPUTS: Shotgun Sanger sequencing of DNA from strain Emoy2 was completed to a depth of 8-fold coverage by Washington University genome sequencing center. An assembly of these sequences (called version 1) was made available to project members for review on February 17, 2006. WUGSC released assembly version 2.0 on their website and on VBI's website (, incorporating Sanger Center (UK) BAC end sequences March 7, 2006. Fosmid end sequencing was completed by WUGSC and added to form assembly v3.0, which was released publicly July 12, 2007. Pre-finishing of the genome by Washington University was completed November 28, 2007, resulting in public release of annotated version 6.0 in March 2008. A further assembly including all BAC end sequence data from the Sanger Centre, but excluding EST data was completed Aug 11 2008 by Washington University. and publicly released as version 7.0 Aug 11 2008. A further version (7.1) is being completed by our collaborators in the UK that includes sequences of 98 BACs and 10 Mb of Illumina sequences. The availability of the sequence has been advertised through the Oomycete Genomics Research Collaboration Network Annual Meetings, on its website and via its email list. A genome sequence annotation jamboree was held on August 13-17, 2007 at the Virginia Bioinformatics in which 31 individuals participated, including 13 graduate students and 7 postdoctoral fellows. The genome sequence was also studied during oomycete comparative genomics mini-jamborees held at VBI on July 16-18, 2008 (31 attendees, including 8 undergraduates, 13 graduate students and 3 postdoctoral fellows, and 5 faculty from undergraduate institutions) and June 3-5, 2009 (40 participants including 15 graduate students, 7 postdoctoral fellows, plus 13 undergraduate students and 2 faculty from predominantly undergraduate institutions). <BR> PARTICIPANTS: INDIVIDUALS Brett M. Tyler (Professor, VT) Lead-PI. Overall project direction. Coordination of paper writing. John McDowell (Associate Professor), co-PI. Assists with overall project direction and coordination of paper writing. Provides H. arabidopsidis spores for DNA and RNA extraction. Marcus Chibucos (Postdoctoral Fellow) 50% effort. Annotation of the H. arabidopsidis genome sequence. Sucheta Tripathy (Senior Research Associate) 30% effort. Gene prediction and annotation from the genome sequence. Sandra Clifton (Washington University Genome Sequencing Center) Overall direction of sequencing efforts. <BR> PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS Washington University Genome Sequencing Center (Sandra Clifton). Funded collaborator. responsible for random shotgun sequencing using Sanger technology and sequence assembly. Warwick University, United Kingdom (Jim Beynon and Laura Baxter). With own funding provided BAC and EST sequences. The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, United Kingdom (Jane Rogers). With UK funding, produced BAC and EST sequences. The Sainsbury Institute, United Kingdom (Jonathan Jones). With funding from this award, produced cDNA sequencing using Illumina technology. With own funding, produced genome sequences using Illumina technology. Using own funding jointly analyzed Illumina and Sanger sequences. Utrecht University, Netherlands (guido van den Ackerveken). With own funding provided EST and proteomics data and functional genomics analysis. The Broad Institute (Rays Jiang). With own funds analyzed the effector repertoire of the H. arabidopsidis predicted proteome. <BR> COLLABORATORS AND CONTACTS All members of the Oomycete Genomics Research Collaboration Network, listed at<BR&gt; TRAINING OR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Three genome sequence analysis workshops were held which provided extensive opportunities for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students. A genome sequence annotation jamboree was held on August 13-17, 2007 at the Virginia Bioinformatics in which 31 individuals participated, including 13 graduate students and 7 postdoctoral fellows. The genome sequence was also studied during oomycete comparative genomics mini-jamborees held at VBI during July 16-18, 2008 (31 attendees, including 8 undergraduates, 13 graduate students and 3 postdoctoral fellows, and 5 faculty from undergraduate institutions) and during June 3-5, 2009 (40 participants including 15 graduate students, 7 postdoctoral fellows, plus 13 undergraduate students and 2 faculty from predominantly undergraduate institutions). <BR> TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience for this sequence is the international oomycete genomics research community. The availability of the sequence to this community has been advertised through the Oomycete Genomics Research Collaboration Network Annual Meetings, on its website and via its email list. Through NSF funding, this network provides training for members to learn how to analyze the sequence through travel awards to its annual meeting, training internships, and hosting of oomycete bioinformatics workshops, with an emphasis in each case on attendance by participants from minority-serving institutions, EPSCOR state institutions and from predominantly-undergraduate institutions, and by students, postdoctoral fellows, and minority researchers. A genome sequence annotation jamboree was held on August 13-17, 2007 at the Virginia Bioinformatics in which 31 individuals participated, including 13 graduate students and 7 postdoctoral fellows. The genome sequence was also studied during oomycete comparative genomics mini-jamborees held at VBI on July 16-18, 2008 (31 attendees, including 8 undergraduates, 13 graduate students and 3 postdoctoral fellows, and 5 faculty from undergraduate institutions) and June 3-5, 2009 (40 participants including 15 graduate students, 7 postdoctoral fellows, plus 13 undergraduate students and 2 faculty from predominantly undergraduate institutions). <BR> <BR>
IMPACT: 2004/09 TO 2008/08<BR>
Comparison of the genome of HYALOPERONOSPORA ARABIDOPSIDIS (an obligate biotroph) with recently sequenced genomes of three PHYTOPHTHORA species (all saprotrophs) provided an opportunity to understand how an obligate biotroph has evolved from a free-living ancestor that employed a very different pathogenicity strategy. Our comparisons revealed two striking themes. First, gene families encoding proteins with potential to damage host cells or otherwise trigger defense responses (cell wall-degrading enzymes, elicitins, necrosis-inducing proteins, RxLR effectors, and others) are dramatically reduced in H. ARABIDOPSIDIS compared to PHYTOPHTHORA, indicative of optimization for stealth inside the host. Second, genes involved in several metabolic pathways were absent from H. ARABIDOPSIDIS, suggestive of metabolic dependency on the host. Some features of the H. ARABIDOPSIDIS gene space (maintenance of large numbers of secreted effectors, reduction in cell wall-degrading enzymes) are paralleled in the genomes of non-obligate, biotrophic fungi (the plant smut pathogen USTILAGO MAYDIS and the ectomycorrhizal symbiont LACCARIA BICOLOR), demonstrating that oomycetes and fungi have evolved similar molecular adaptations to a biotrophic lifestyle even though these lineages evolved independently from one another.

Tyler, Brett
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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