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Gulf Coast Extension Service Oil Spill Recovery Project


The primary goals of this multi-state project are for gulf coast state Extension Services to: <OL> <LI> Disseminate credible, science-based information to citizens living in Gulf of Mexico (GOM) coastal states that address the negative effects of the BP Horizon oil spill upon families, communities, business and industry. <LI> Prepare Extension professionals to deal with anticipated negative psychological-emotional effects of the BP Horizon oil spill upon families and communities through professional development training. </ol>

The project objectives include: <OL> <LI> GOM state Extension Services will share existing disaster recovery and other Extension publications that are relevant to the oil spill disaster. <LI>GOM coastal residents will become aware of issues related to oil spill disaster effects through informational, science-based publications and "Gulf Coast Fisherman" and "Managing in Tough Times" (MITT) newsletters and MITT flipbooks. <LI>GOM coastal residents will become aware of issues related to oil spill disaster effects through news media (print media, radio and TV), the Internet (state Extension Websites, EDEN, eXtension) and social media (Facebook). <LI>GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on anger - stress management and family resiliency.<LI> GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on model disaster recovery outreach program for families, communities, business and industry.<LI> GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on peer listening skills. <LI> GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on MITT programming. <LI> GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on conducting community resiliency planning public forums. <LI>GOM Extension agents will participate in a research-based training on model disaster recovery outreach program for community-based business and industry. <LI> Seafood handlers, seafood inspectors and interested GOM Extension agents will participate in research-based training on seafood safety and sensory-based evaluation.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: On April 22, 2010 one of the worst technological disasters in the United States occurred in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The Deepwater Horizon drilling platform located 50 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana experienced an explosion, subsequent fire and eventually capsized. Millions of gallons of crude oil have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico and oil contamination has begun impacting Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama with the potential for additional impact in Florida and Texas. This incident has already had a direct and devastating impact on coastal communities where oil is entering commercial and recreational fishing grounds, beaches, barrier islands, marshes and other estuarine habitats. Immediate economic impacts are being felt due to fishing closures from Louisiana to Florida, perceived seafood safety issues, and tourism impacts associated with oil reaching beaches. Anticipated adverse environmental impacts may last for decades. Families and communities along the gulf coast are expected to experience many negative psycho-social effects. The fisheries industry may essentially destroyed for years to come. This catastrophic event has resulted in a critical need for families and communities to become educated and empowered to prepare them for the anticipated changes they face in their lives. As a result of this dire situation, a multi-state Extension education and outreach initiative is proposed to assist effected families and communities. State Extension Services to be involved include Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Four Oil Spill Response and Recovery Task Forces have been created with Extension professionals from all Gulf Coast states participating. They include Extension Disaster Assistance, Family Stress and Financial Management, Food-Safety and Consumer Confidence and Extension Oil Spill Communications. This project will support in part the goals and objectives that have been outlined by these four task forces. As part of this project all state Extension Services will conduct disaster recovery efforts in their respective states as well as open trainings to other state Extension professionals and share products regionally in support of the goals and objectives outlined by the Disaster Assistance Task Force, the Family Stress and Financial Management Task Force, and the Food-Safety and Consumer Confidence Task Force.

APPROACH: Deliverables for this project include: 1. Publications (10) on disaster recovery information for families (LA); 2 Publications on seafood safety (AL); 3. Publication with inventory of Disaster Assistance for marine fisheries-related industry workers (AL, FL); 4. Publications on baseline economic impact about affected marine fisheries-related business and industry (AL, FL, MS); 5. Gulf Coast Fisherman newsletter, new oil spill concerns section added (MS); 6. Managing in Tough Times newsletter series (6 newsletters developed by LA)and MITT flip book (developed by FL); 7. Publications and information posted on the web (including state Extension websites, EDEN and eXtension sites), publication links posted on social marketing sites (AL, FL, LA, MS); 8. Professional development training for Extension agents in anger and stress management and family resiliency (LA to host); 9. Professional development training for Extension agents in model disaster recovery outreach program for families and communities (LA to host); 10. Professional development training for Extension agents in peer listening skills (LA to host) 11. Professional development training for Extens;ion agents in MITT programming (LA to host); 12. Professional development training for Extension agents on conducting community resiliency planning public forums (LA to host); 13. Professional development training for Extension agents in model disaster recovery outreach program for community-based business and industry (economics focused) (FL to host); 14. Professional development training for seafood inspectors and seafood handlers in seafood safety and sensory evaluation of seafood (MS and FL to co- host).

Fletcher, Bobby
Louisiana State University
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