This project has two goals with intended objectives, listed below.Goal 1: Build community capacity to address community-identified issues with the food system.Goal 1 Outcomes: We will convene 6 community food summit meetings. Based on existing food summit activities we anticipate between 50 and 60 attendees at each meeting. As a result of the meetings, we will identify 3 to 5 action items to address food systems resiliency for the community in year 1. A call for proposals for addressing action items will be developed with input from summit participants to fund 4 pre-pilot projects funded at $3,000 each in years 1 and 2. Pre-pilot projects will present updates at quarterly summits and aid in the development of a subsequent RFP for larger pilot projects in years 3 and 4. Awardees will receive support from HAOW staff and collaborating agencies to plan and implement their projects and develop a sustainability. HAOW staff and collaborating partners will provide structure to guide the community food summit meetings, training, and technical assistance as needed to organizations who receive funds on topics such as grant development, project management, and sustainability.Goal 2: Expand access of fresh, locally produced food and healthy food incentive programs to the Ewa community.Goal 2 Outcomes: Host weekly farmers' market in Ewa community that offers SNAP double bucks, produce prescription redemption, WIC at markets and food subscription redemptions. The farmers market will aim to serve SNAP, WIC, and ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) households as well as provide economic opportunities to local farmers and food vendors, potentially pre-pilot and pilot project awardees. Market vendors and attendees will be surveyed during the course of the funded project on satisfaction with the market operations and services to inform quality improvement.
Higa, A.
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