Our proposal aims to understand how peanut processing methods and peanut co-administration with oils, as is standard during the industrial processing of peanuts, influences the development of peanut allergy through the skin. Cutaneous exposure of allergens is a crucial, but hitherto underexplored route of food sensitisation, that if understood could lead to the development of translatable strategies to prevent food allergy. Food processors require a greater understanding of how allergen exposure cause allergy so that they can adapt their processing methods to counteract these exposure processes. Furthermore, this proposed research aligns with on-going efforts across Europe to address the increasing problems associated with food allergy but it is unique in that it focuses on cutaneous allergen exposure, which is a field in desperate need of more systematic study. The assembled team of investigators (from the UK, Germany and France) joined by a peanut industry partner (Levantine) and patient and consumer representatives will aim to address the following hypotheses: Understanding the mechanisms by which: > Peanut proteins pass into the skin via the appendages to trigger an immune response. > Skin stretching that occurs during massage opens up the skin appendages allowing more peanut protein into the skin and leads to dendritic cell activation and induction of T helper 2 cell response. > Co-administration of peanut proteins and an oil to the skin increases allergenicity. > Skin barrier impairment and inflammation (AD) increases allergenicity. Test novel approaches to peanut allergy prevention whereby: > Modifications in peanut processing can reduce allergen exposure via the skin. > Meticulous hand hygiene reduces skin contamination with peanut protein. > Application of a barrier enhancing cream can strengthen the skin barrier, in particular in those with atopic dermatitis, and reduce the risk of transcutaneous sensitisation further.
HDHL Preventing peanut allergy through improved understanding of the transcutaneous sensitisation route novel food processing and skin care
Professor Carsten Flohr
King's College London
Start date
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