The research project will review methodologies for identifying emerging contaminant threats to food safety.
<p>The project will consider approaches for identifying, scanning, compiling and assessing data on emerging contaminants and methods for analysis of these as well as methods for consultation and prioritising future work.
<p>The output from the project will be a strategy for use by the FSA to anticipate new science risks and opportunities.
Identification of new threats to food safety is a key element in maintaining consumer safety and in ensuring that resources are adequately targeted at emerging issues so that potential problems are identified early enough to take action and so that evidence can be collected before issues become acute.
The final report, "<a href="" target="_new">Horizon Scanning for Environmental Contaminants</a>" is available at Foodbase, an open access repository of the <acronym title="Food Standards Agency">FSA</acronym>.
<p>Find more about this project and other FSA food safety-related projects at the <a href="" target="_blank">Food Standards Agency Research webpage</a>.