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Identification and Validation of Interventions for Very Small Meat and Poultry Establishments


<OL><LI>Survey very small meat or poultry establishments in the states of Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington to identify existing slaughter interventions used for pathogen reduction as part of existing HACCP plans; <LI>Determine the incidence of microbial contaminants and pathogens (APC, E. coli, coliforms,Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, or Campylobacter spp.) from carcasses processed in very small meat and poultry establishments using existing slaughter interventions; <LI>Identify inexpensive, new, novel, or existing interventions or food grade antimicrobial compounds that have the potential to be used in very small meat or poultry establishments; <LI>Adapt and validate slaughter intervention(s) identified in Objectives 1 and 3 to effectively reduce populations of microbial contaminants and pathogens (APC, E. coli, coliforms, Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, or Campylobacter spp.) on meat or poultry carcasses under laboratory controlled conditions;<LI> Provide one-on-one training to several very small establishments interested in modifying or changing their slaughter interventions to reduce microbial contaminants and conduct in-plant sampling of processed carcasses for APC, E. coli, coliforms, Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, or Campylobacter spp. following implementation; and <LI>Disseminate slaughter intervention information to USDA-FSIS and very small meat or poultry establishments through HACCP or food safety workshops, satellite broadcasts, print, or alternative media (internet, video, CD-ROM) and conduct follow-up surveys to assess modifications and/or changes in slaughter interventions used by very small establishments.</ol>

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Very small establishments will be surveyed and undergo in-plant sampling to determine types and effectiveness of existing intervention processes to reduce microbial contaminants. Based on survey results and findings from in-plant sampling, controlled laboratory studies will be conducted to validate both existing and new interventions. <P>Following validation studies, additional in-plant sampling will be used to assess levels of particular microorganisms following implementation of new intervention(s). Intervention information will be disseminated to very small meat or poultry establishments and USDA-FSIS through print media, workshops, satellite broadcasts, videotapes, CD-ROM, or internet.<P>Subsequent surveys and in-plant sampling will provide additional information as to changes made by establishments and the overall impact on pathogen reduction in these same establishments. <P>The overall goal of this project is to develop, evaluate and deliver science-based outreach programs for improved intervention strategies used by very small meat or poultry establishments.By integrating extension activities with research and directing these efforts to very small meat and poultry establishments, we will not only assist this large group of food processors with validation of their existing HACCP plans, but also improve the microbiological safety of the meat and poultry supply.

Cutter, Catherine
Pennsylvania State University
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