Objective 1(EXTENSION):To validate monitoring systems for plum curculio (PC), apple maggot fly (AMF), and rosy appleaphid (RAA) that are based on synthetic lures and multi-cultivar grafted trees, and to establish pest alerts.This objective will facilitate the on-farm demonstration of methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil = MeSA)+ grandisoic acid (GA), the PC aggregation pheromone as an effective PC lure, and the refinement of a permanent monitoring system involving multi-cultivar grafted trees serving as trap crops over 3 years.Anticipated impact: The dual (i.e., PC lures, multi-cultivar grafted trees) monitoring system will aid growers in determining the need and timing of insecticide applications against PC, RAA, and AMF.Objective 2 (EXTENSION): To foster the adoption of multi-cultivar grafting as a pest monitoring tool by implementing grafting workshops in NH and MA.Anticipated impact: Ourmulti-faceted Extension efforts largely involving grafting workshops that provide free scionwood to growers seek to document short- and mid-term outcomes and impacts (e.g., grower adoption of grafted trees as permanent, grower-friendly monitoring sites).Objective 3 (RESEARCH): To characterize the occurrence of native EPNs and EPF and the efficacy and persistence of commercial EPNs in orchards with multi-cultivar-grafted trees.Anticipated impact: The research component of the project will result in new science-based knowledge concerning (1) the potential occurrence and virulence of native EPNs and EPF inhabiting soil in areas with multi-cultivar grafting potentially supporting suppressive soils and (2) whether a single application of commercial EPNs applied against PC can also suppress AMF in the soil at a different time of the year.Objective 4 (EXTENSION): To implement a focused Extension program for delivery of outputs among growers and Extension personnel and measurement of impacts, and to increase grower engagement.Anticipated impact: See Logic Model. Short-term outcomes: 80% of the growers reached will increase their level of knowledge and awareness of grafting as a novel monitoring tool for PC, AMF, and RAA. We expect our grower cooperators to become comfortable with the practices being demonstrated. The team will continue to build relationships with current and new grower collaborators. Mid-term outcomes: By the end of the project, we expect 25 new growers to implement pest monitoring in one of the two ways we are recommending (using lures and using grafted trees), and at least 15 growers to adopt multi-cultivar grafting as a tool to develop permanent pest monitoring sites. Long-term outcomes. While the documentation of long-term outcomes is beyond the scope and timeframe of this project, efforts will be made to document (i) improved monitoring of PC and AMF using lures or multi-cultivar grafted trees, (ii) at least 25% reduction in pesticide use because using lures or grafted trees is expected to result in more effective pest monitoring, and (iii) cost-savings for growers associated with reduced amounts and/or frequency of insecticides applied against the target pests.
Pinero Ramirez, J.
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