This project will build on previous work to develop accessible, scale-appropriate motivational mixed-media content to provide SMPs with the information they need to understand how to implement PC in their food business. The goal of this project is to make information regarding Preventive Controls accessible and motivating for small and medium-sized processors. We will develop and deliver mixed-media content to address the knowledge gap that prevents small and medium processors from complying with the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule of FSMA in the northeast (CT, MA, NH, RI, VT). This will enable the long-term goal: to increase the number of processors nationwide that develop and implement FSMA mandated food safety plans, thus serving to reduce the overall risk of foodborne illness. To achieve these goals, we will focus on three primary objectives:1) Develop, deliver, and evaluate learnings from Preventive Controls trainings for small & medium sized processors (SMP) to identify gaps in accessibility and opportunities to motivate behavioral change.2) Develop mixed-media extension content that addresses gaps in accessibility and opportunities to motivate SMPs to increase compliance with PC.3) Disseminate and evaluate mixed-media content to implement an accessible and motivating PC program.Our project will improve SMPs' access to scale-appropriate, motivating information to increase food safety knowledge, leading to increased rates of SMPs in compliance with PC. The work includes developing, evaluating, and disseminating extension content targeted to SMPs. To engage SMPs that are not currently complying with PC. To engage SMPs, we will develop and deliver webinars, short workshops, and the FSPCA-PCQI course with supplemental curricula. We will follow a subset of SMPs through the journey of learning about PC, developing and implementing food safety plans, and experiencing a third-party audit. We will document this process through written and mini-documentary case studies to make case study content and format motivating, accessible, and reflective of SMPs' actual experiences. At the end of the project, we will document the process and success via a white paper and two journal articles. We will disseminate all content directly to food safety communicators throughout the Northeast through the FDA-supported Northeast Regional Center (NECAFS), which includes food safety extension and educators, regulators, and other food system organizations. We will also house all content online in the nationally-supported Food Safety Clearinghouse, a curated source of food safety related resources that maximizes outreach efforts nationally. The mixed-media content will support businesses in developing and implementing food safety plans.
Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast to Be In Compliance with FSMA’s Preventive Controls Rule
Fitzsimmons, Jill
University of Massachusetts
Start date
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