This project aims to advance efforts for a nationally integrated food safety system by providing supportfor the start of a manufactured food program in Arizona that focuses on conformance with theManufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS). The Arizona Department of HealthServices (ADHS) has several key objectives that include completing a self-assessment, initiating a contactfor manufactured food inspections with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and updating Arizona?srules and regulations to make them equivalent to the current Federal requirements for manufacturedfood.Additionally, the project includes training requirements to ensure ADHS inspection staff members areadequately trained to perform manufactured food inspections and provides opportunities to meet withthe local county health departments to discuss manufactured food inspections in Arizona, theavailability of training for their staff, and their future role in the program.
Initiating Arizona?s Participation and Conformance With The Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards
Caballero, Blanca
Arizona Dept of Health Services
Start date
End date
Funding Source
Project number